
Posts Tagged ‘Lunch’

While this blog is a bit about the search for variety, I do have a lot of repetitive eating habits.  I’ve eaten the same food for breakfast six days a week for months now.  And since my blood sugar has always tested well after eating it, the doctor has told me there is no reason to change.  It is now my most carb heavy, sugar full meal of the day.  But the body does need some glucose to function and by eating my daily allowance in the morning I allow my metabolism and brain to wake up properly.

So every morning I eat half a grapefruit, a whole wheat bagel with peanut butter, a cup of greek yogurt, and a stick of mozzarella string cheese. (And two large cups of coffee, with no sugar.  Sometimes more.)  I have made one small change though and switched to a low sugar peanut butter.

Made by Fifty 50 Foods, which makes many many low and no sugar products.  Two hours after this daily breakfast my blood sugar is typically in the range of 83-87.

For lunches I get just a bit more variety.  I tend to eat the same thing all week long, but I do change that every week.  So the lunch for this week is salad.  Or what I like to call “Epic Salad.”  That means a salad that would have pretty much everything in a standard salad bar on it.  I did cut out a few things, the carrots, the beets.  But I still ended up with a pretty epic salad.

Started with spinach and then cut up some purple cabbage and tossed them together.

Chopped tomatoes, onions, olives, broccoli, and a hard boiled egg.

Tossed all those in the bowl with some alfalfa sprouts and some pre-cooked, unseasoned chicken strips.  Then just add the sugar free salad dressing!

To save time I chopped up all the vegetables that I would need for the week, so that each morning I can just grab them out of the Ziploc baggies and toss them in the bowl.  Very time saving and very portable!  And those are my repetitive food choices, at least for this week!

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