
Posts Tagged ‘Under 100’

While this blog is a bit about the search for variety, I do have a lot of repetitive eating habits.  I’ve eaten the same food for breakfast six days a week for months now.  And since my blood sugar has always tested well after eating it, the doctor has told me there is no reason to change.  It is now my most carb heavy, sugar full meal of the day.  But the body does need some glucose to function and by eating my daily allowance in the morning I allow my metabolism and brain to wake up properly.

So every morning I eat half a grapefruit, a whole wheat bagel with peanut butter, a cup of greek yogurt, and a stick of mozzarella string cheese. (And two large cups of coffee, with no sugar.  Sometimes more.)  I have made one small change though and switched to a low sugar peanut butter.

Made by Fifty 50 Foods, which makes many many low and no sugar products.  Two hours after this daily breakfast my blood sugar is typically in the range of 83-87.

For lunches I get just a bit more variety.  I tend to eat the same thing all week long, but I do change that every week.  So the lunch for this week is salad.  Or what I like to call “Epic Salad.”  That means a salad that would have pretty much everything in a standard salad bar on it.  I did cut out a few things, the carrots, the beets.  But I still ended up with a pretty epic salad.

Started with spinach and then cut up some purple cabbage and tossed them together.

Chopped tomatoes, onions, olives, broccoli, and a hard boiled egg.

Tossed all those in the bowl with some alfalfa sprouts and some pre-cooked, unseasoned chicken strips.  Then just add the sugar free salad dressing!

To save time I chopped up all the vegetables that I would need for the week, so that each morning I can just grab them out of the Ziploc baggies and toss them in the bowl.  Very time saving and very portable!  And those are my repetitive food choices, at least for this week!

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Sunday morning breakfast is probably my favorite meal of the entire week.  Growing up it was the one meal my busy mom had time to make fabulous.  Eggs, hash browns, cinnamon buns, biscuits and gravy, pancakes, french toast, and lots of fresh fruit.  (Not all at the same meal, of course.)  And then it became the one meal that I had all the time in the world to devote myself to.  Breakfast food is some of my favorite in the world.  So of course, one of the first things I needed to figure out was how to make a low sugar breakfast.

And this is actually not a breakfast that took much time, only about ten minutes to mix it up.


Eggs (or Egg Beaters)


Parmesan cheese

Green onions


Start by cracking six eggs into a bowl and then beating.

Add two dollops of yogurt, a bit of parmesan cheese, a couple of chopped green onions, and two handfuls of spinach, torn up into small pieces.  In case you haven’t noticed, I’m not one for exact measurements.  Here’s a representation of what I mean by a handful, a “closed” handful, not a wide open hand.

Sprinkle on a little bit of garlic salt and mix all the ingredients together.  Then, pour the mixture into a greased muffin pan.

Sprinkle on just a tad more parmesan cheese and then bake at 350 F for about 25 minutes, or until the top develops a slight crust.

The turkey sausage I got was precooked, so I just popped it in the microwave when the frittatas were almost done.

It did take a bit of finagling to get the frittatas out of the pan. And I’ll admit, I’m on of those people that likes ketchup on my eggs.  But I hadn’t yet bought any low sugar ketchup, so I used some of my balsamic vinaigrette on it.  It worked pretty well.  No final picture of it on the plate, I ate it too fast. 🙂  Blood sugar two hours after this meal was 97.

I also did some more shopping today and found a whole bunch of low and no sugar products.  Even a whole no sugar section in my grocery store I had never taken notice of before!

I mostly focused on finding the products I could in the regular aisles of the store, and was successful for just about everything.  It just took a lot of label reading and careful checking.  I spent about an hour and half at the store, slowly checking every aisle for the items on my list.  I was glad to see that almost everything I liked had a no sugar version, even sweet pickles!  But my favorite find of the day was probably this…

Delicious!  It’s not no sugar, but no sugar added, so it’s better than regular ice cream for a small indulgence.

This shopping trip did cost me a bit more than usual, since I’m one who typically buys solely generic products and generic brands don’t tend to make no sugar versions.  But I also had a meal plan for this week, instead of just buying willy nilly. And I figure I won’t need to replace all my condiments every week.  🙂

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Today we start at the grocery store, where I found one (and only one) company that makes a line of sugar free salad dressings.  This is wonderful news.  I love salad dressing. (I’m sure there are other sugar free dressings in the world, just not in my local store.)

Maple Grove Farms of Vermont, I now love you.  Their website says they also have a dijon flavor that wasn’t in my local grocery store.  I may have to buy this online.  And a sugar free maple (flavored) syrup.  And if the syrup is anything like their salad dressing, it will taste wonderful.

Now, on to checking labels.  I’m sure everyone else out there already knew the importance of checking labels before you buy things, but this was not something I’d ever worried about before.  I’d find the item I want, pick up the cheapest brand, and be on my way.  It worked for me.  Well, you know, kind of.  But now I’ve checked more labels in the past few days than I have in my entire life.

The can on the left has 8 grams of sugar in it.  The jar on the right has none.  The can was found in the canned foods section, where one would normally look for this type of thing.  The jar was in the international foods aisle and was actually slightly cheaper.  Without reading the labels I probably would have bought the canned one.  In fact I almost did, because I assumed that because the others were marinated that they would contain more sugar than the non-marinated ones.  I was wrong.  I can admit this.  On occasion.  Don’t get too used to it.

So home with our ingredients. The amounts aren’t particularly important, adjust them to make the size meal you want.  What I used will feed two.

4 boneless skinless chicken breasts – I got thin cut ones, but regular ones would be fine as well.

1 jar artichoke hearts

Goat cheese – feta would work as well.  Mozzarella probably would too.

Green onions

The artichoke hearts were quartered already, but I wanted them a bit smaller.  Since I’m too lazy to try to cut them regularly, I pulled out my handy dandy Slap Chop!

I chopped up about half the artichoke hearts and tossed them in a bowl.  Next I cut up a couple of the green onions.

I tossed them in the bowl with the artichoke hearts and added a handful or so of the goat cheese.

Mixed these together and then used this to stuff the chicken.  Since I was using thin cut chicken, I laid the chicken out, put the mixture on top and then rolled two of the sides together, securing them with a toothpick.  If you’re using regular chicken breasts, cut one side open and stuff the mixture inside.  Then, place your chicken in a baking dish.

Delicious raw chicken

Aren’t you glad I included that up close shot of raw chicken to show you what it should look like?  Doesn’t that raw chicken look delicious?  Bleh.  Anyway, I had the oven preheated to 350 F, so I covered the chicken with foil and put it in for 35 minutes.

While that was baking, I started on my salad.  I drained the liquid from the rest of the artichoke hearts and put them in my salad bowl.  Then I chopped some tomatoes, into fairly large pieces.

I did cut them smaller than halves though

I also took half a can of black olives and cut them in half and chopped a few more green onions.  I mixed the tomatoes, onions, olives, and more goat cheese with my artichoke hearts.  Then I dressed them with my wonderful new bottle of …

Maple Grove Farms of Vermont Sugar Free Italian Balsamic Dressing!!!  Yum.  I mixed all this together into a wonderful summer salad.  (What do you mean it’s not summer?  It sure was outside my house today!)

It may not look fabulous, but it most definitely was.

Finally the chicken was done!  (I pulled it out at 34 minutes cause I was hungry.  It did it no harm.)

The verdict?

WONDERFUL.  SO WONDERFUL IT REQUIRED ALL CAPITAL LETTERS.  THAT’S PRETTY WONDERFUL.  The cheese in the chicken melted to create a magnificent creaminess, with just the right amout of flavor from the artichokes and onions.  The chicken itself was wonderfully moist.  The salad was light and fresh tasting, with just the right amounts of saltiness and sweetness.  This meal is going right into my regular rotation of meals.  That salad I could probably eat every day.  (And I might have to in a few months when I have a garden full of tomatoes!)  You should all try this for yourself, I guarantee you’ll love it.  Just take the toothpicks out of the chicken before you eat it.

And two hours after dinner my sugar was 97.  I don’t know how long the doctor will have me monitoring my sugar, for now it’s just a week.  But whenever he has me checking, I’ll let you know how the meal in question affects it.

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